Dance Grants

Becoming a "triple threat" is hard, especially when you don't have the financial ability to spend on foundational dance classes to support your technique. Classes are often one of the easiest ways to get better at dance, however they can be costly and can lock the process of upskilling behind a paywall.
So at Be You, we’ve decided to help level the playing field and make dance training more accessible with our Be You Dance Grants Program, offering you financial support to upskill yourself. This program is designed for aspiring artists seeking further training in preparation for tertiary education in music theatre.
We believe these fees are a large barrier to entry for people who are disadvantaged, and we want to help.
What are the details?
We’re giving grants for those who have encountered barriers and/or have struggled to access our industry due to experiencing disadvantage.
At this stage, these grants will be available to people who are both residents of Victoria, and plan to spend their grant money within Victoria.
How do I apply?
To apply please fill out the form below. In the application form there's a space provided for you to share links / attach clips of you performing. The application process is a chance for us to hear your story, learn about you and why you’d like to be considered and to see your passion for performance, so don’t hold back!
How will we make the decision?
Our panel will look at your answers to our questions and decide on our grant recipients by assessing:
The efforts taken by the individual to get to this point
The difficulties the individual may have faced
The individuals level of passion for the craft
The foundational skillset of the performer
The impact the grant would have for the individual
Our decision making will be strictly in line with our Conflict of Interest policy in which, if a panel member has worked with an applicant in a meaningful way, or has a personal connection that makes the panel member biased, this panel member will declare their conflict and not be allowed to offer any advice on the selection of that applicant.
Be You Group Incorporated's
Dance Grant Conditions
Applications will be accepted until 25 March 2023
Grants provided by Be You Group Inc
Grantee: The persons who will receive the grant
Grant: Your proposed spending approved by the board, and subsequent invoice.
The Grantee must use the whole of the grant exclusively as described in the application for the grant and not for any other purpose.
Be You Group Incorporated will only issue the grant to the Grantee's chosen dance school.
The grant will be provided up to the cost incurred as per the invoice.
The Grantee must promptly advise Be You Group Incorporated of any changes which may affect the Grantee’s ability to undertake or complete the approved classes within three months of awarding the Grant.
The Grantee will use the grant only within Victoria.
Be You Group Incorporated will pay for the approved training on your behalf, unless otherwise agreed.
The Grantee must provide Be You Group Incorporated with an official receipt to ensure reimbursement.
These Grant Conditions are subject to variations, deletions and additional conditions, deemed appropriate by Be You Group Incorporated, before or at the time of payment. By accepting payment of the grant, the Grantee acknowledges that such variations, deletions and additional conditions may apply.